Thứ tư - 27/01/2016 12:38


On the occasion of new year, on behalf of Party Cells Executives and the Faculty of Tourism Studies, wish all teachers, students, former students and partners of the Faculty a happy new year and may the new year bring prosperity, happiness and good fortune for you all.

In 2015, University of Social Science and Humanities celebrated the 70th anniversary of establishment. Moreover, the Faculty of Tourism Studies, USSH also celebrated their 20th anniversary (1995 – 2015). For a year, the department of the falcuty had overcome many challenges and difficulties. As a result, the Faculty had achieved many outstanding results, such as:

- Successfully developed the program of Hotel Management and held the first enrollment;

- Converted the master training program from the standard to the research one;

- Developed and gradually completed the doctorate program of Tourism Management to submit for approval;

- Held 2 domestic seminars, 1 international seminar and many seminars with the participation of domestic and international scholars;

- Developed the international co-operation through the international scholar exchanges from Rikkyo University (Japan), Kumamoto (Japan), Nagoya City University (Japan), Arizona State University (USA), Greifswald University (German), Chiang Mai University (Thailand), Kent University (US). Bradford University (US), etc.

- Successfully held the 20th anniversary of the Faculty.


Entering 2016, there are many opportunities and challenges awaiting the department of the Faculty. The department will continue to promote the collective strengths and the cooperation with domestic and international organizations and individuals to build and develop the Faculty towards standardization, modernization, innovation and integration; and contribute to the development of of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University and the development of Vietnam tourism.


I would like to extend the sincerest thanks to the agencies, organization, teachers, students and former students for your support in 2015. Once again, I would like to wish you a joyful, healthy, prosperous, and happy new year


 Dean of the Falcuty

Dr. Pham Hong Long




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