On the morning of December 19, 2015, the Faculty of Tourism Studies, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, VNU with the Vietnam Folk Arts Association co-organized a scientific conference with the theme "Formulating specific mechanisms and policies for development of tourism in the Northwestern"
Associate Professor, Doctor Pham Quang Minh delivered the opening speech.
Attending the seminar, there were the participation of Ms. Hoang Thi Hanh - Deputy Head of the Northwest Steering Committee, Assoc. Dr. Truong Vu Bang Giang - Deputy Head of the Science and Technology Department of the Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Office of the Northwest Program and over 80 scientists and experts, leaders of Culture, Sports and Tourism Department in the Northwest in the field of tourism.
After the opening speech of Assoc.Dr Pham Quang Minh - Vice Rector of the USSH, and report of Prof.Dr. To Ngoc Thanh - President of Vietnam Folk Arts Association, the seminar began with the chairmanship of Assoc.Dr. Tran Duc Thanh - Chairman of Science and Training Faculty of Tourism Studies, and Dr. Tran Huu Son - Vice President of Vietnam Folk Art Association. More than 10 presentations (among the 30 reports that were selected during the yearbook) were presented and exchanged.
The seminar was a great success. This is a forum for scientists, experts, managers and business executives to share knowledge, experience and exchange ideas then develop suitable mechanisms and policies for tourism in Northwest; Moreover, it is also an opportunity to develop relationships and cooperation in for the development of the Northwest and also the whole country.
Author: Tran Thi Mai Hoa
News about The Seminar:
(1) Travel Newspaper:
(2) Information and Communication Center, University of Social Sciences and Humanities:
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