These days, teachers and students of the Faculty of Tourism Studies - University of Science, Social Studies & Humanities, National University of Hanoi is eagerly preparing to celebrate 20 years of establishment of the Faculty. Tourism newspaper will post some parts of the article by Dr. Tran Duc Thanh, former Dean of Tourism Studies Falcuty since the very first days of establishment.
Workshop: Graduate Tourism Education - Documentary pictures
Early 90s of previous century, Vietnam Tourism newly developed, tourism activities have attracted the attention of many branches and individuals. Tourism training needs appear as an objective reality. But then, no public university in Vietnam in general and Hanoi in particular, have training tourism human resources. After consultation with experts, including Mr. Hoang Minh Son, leading geographers of Vietnam, is the encouragement of the Management Board of the University of Hanoi, especially Mr. Tran Van Nhung, I has developed and implemented training program, Geography Tourism. In just over one month, from 08.28.1992 to 10.05.1992, the program has been completed. First class start date 10/13/1992, with all 161 students.
When the University open tourism program, teachers of Vietnam Tourism University (ie Hospitality Business School, former of Hanoi Tourism College) were very helpful and supportive. Mr. Mai Khoi donated textbooks to the courses of hotel, restaurant; Ms. Khanh and Ms. Vui were ready to refuse big salaries where-else to come to teach student about professional hospitality. Mr. Hoang Thieu Son always spent a lot of time for orienting, training, teaching and going on field trips with students. He became the soul, the pride for all students of the first class of Geography tourism. Mr Pham Hong Chuong graduating from UK also immediately undertook on some subjects. Mr. Chuc - Principal of C500 school, Mr. Ha Thanh Hai - Deputy General Director of Sofitel Metropole Hanoi, Mr. Do Dinh Cuong - Director of Vinatour, Nguyen Cuong Hien, Tran Van Mau in Hanoi Vietnamtourism worked as advisors, instructors who regularly gave lectures for the students. "Travel Guide", "101 situations for tour guide" of Nguyen Cuong Hien were verypopular among many first generations of tourism students. Mr. Tran Van Mao spent lots of time compiling books as "To organise and implement traveling services", "Professional tour guide" ...
Dr. Le Nhat Thuc, Prof. Dr. Vu Tuan Canh and the director of Research Institute for Tourism Development also enthusiastically supported the opening tourism training at the University of Hanoi. I received the enthusiastic support of colleagues at the Institute as Pham Trung Luong, Truong Sy Vinh, Le Van Minh, Nguyen Van Thanh, Bich San, one of the participants who wrote the book "Year of tourism Vietnam 1990", "Handbook Vietnam travel guide" ...
With the operation of tourism training, I already knew many science teachers of History, Literature ... with extensive knowledge, wisdom and enthusiasm, they gave the lectures "world civilizations "of Nguyen Anh, Han Nom subject of Le Anh Tuan, religious studies of Pham Quang Hung ... the lessons are attractive to all students. The Folk literature class of Nguyen Hung Vi was always fun because the students sang folk songs and read lyrical poems while enjoying his sense of humor. Mr. Han Van Khan was very enthusiastic take the class to archaeological site so that students could learn in most attractive way.
Academic year of 1993-1994 , the university decided to establish the Executive Board of Tourism Training by Professor Tran Quoc Vuong as the Chairman, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Vi Dan as deputy head and I as the permanent secretary. After reviewing training records and proposals of the university, Ministry of Education and Training allowed the university todecentralize system. May 10/1995, Faculty of Tourism Studies was officially founded. From here, the training of students studying tourism at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities has turned a new page.
Initially there are only 4 Faculty Lecturers from departments of Geography, History, Literature ... However, after short time, all members specialized orientation to travel.
Mr. Tran Quoc Vuong explored cultural tourism direction, Mr. Dinh Trung Kien, with broad historical background and his agility became a leader in guiding profession. I specialized in tourism geography, tourist maps, and ecotourism. Faculty received the support of many experts like Dr. Nguyen Van Luu, Dr. Trinh Xuan Dung, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Dinh ... as well as some teachers teaching subjects in the fields of travel, such as Prof. Dr. Nguyen Minh Tue, Thu Prof. Dr. Tran Hau, a mentor in every faculty of tourism in Vietnam.
The success of the first course is the pride and great encouragement for staff, faculty members. Colleagues in the Faculty has increased rapidly, many of whom are faculty members from other institutions such as Mr. Que, Mr. Hung, Mr. Ha, Mr. Su; some are graduates from other schools such as Mr. To Long, Mr. Vinh, Mr. Ngoc Anh; many elite students of the faculty have been retained as lecturers as Mr. Do Long, Mr. Le Anh, Ms. Thu Thuy, Mr. Hong Long, Ms. Tran Hoa ... So far, the official members of the Faculty is 19, all of them are qualified. I feel very proud to have Faculty staff that are so powerful.
Currently, in addition to two formal training program as travel administration and hospitality management, Faculty also undertakes the dual degree courses, the professional training courses, short-term courses .. . In particular, the Faculty is proud to be the only unit nationwwide that provides master traning in tourism in 2003. Since 2016 University of Social Sciences and Humanities will begin training Doctorate degree in tourism.
After 25 years from the date toddlers entering the tourism industry, I am proud to have had a very correct decision. I am happy and proud of the development of Vietnam tourism, excited and proud of the development of the Faculty of Tourism Studies, of colleagues, of the maturity of all students, students graduating from the Faculty of Tourism Studies University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi National University.
Author: Tran Duc ThanhSource:
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